Is it still taboo to talk about a female masturbating? Well, here at The Hayley Daily we don’t care cause we are talking about it today! Yes, ladies and gentlemen women masturbate. For so many years it has been a subject that doesn’t get much air time. The idea of a female self-pleasuring herself is just obscene, or some people don’t believe we do. For me, the generation that is coming up is a lot more open with their sexuality, their sexual experiences and I am here for it. listing to other people’s stories is how we learn.
I remember when I was buying my first ever vibrator. I had no idea how many there were! The only vibrator I had ever seen was the rabbit from Sex and the City. Of course, 10 plus years ago I was WAY too scared to google vibrators with the fear of someone seeing my search history and knowing that I was doing “that”. It is funny how times have changed because now I want the world to know that I am empowered enough to get my socks off myself if you know what I mean! Of course, getting it on with my husband sure is the number 1 but I still think it’s important for females to have the tools to pleasure themselves too.
When I was little I remember that I used to touch myself but thinking back I did not know what that meant. I can’t remember the exact age I realized I was masturbating. We never had any type of sex education in my high school when I grew up. Everything was through my self-exploration and as I have gotten older it’s been through talking to my girlfriends and researching through this wonderful world of the internet. It makes me wonder if in 10 years or 20 years what the conversations around female self-pleasure are.
Can Self Pleasure Be Healing?
I have been doing some reading around masturbation and 1 particular article stood out to me. It was around how women of sexual assault can use masturbation and the exploration of the own body to help them rediscover the joy and pleasure that comes from sex. The theory suggests it is a way for a woman to start the process to bring sexual pleasure back while remaining in control of the situation and knowing they are in charge and can stop at any time. I have never been sexually assaulted so I cannot speak for this method of treatment. I would be interested to know how women who have been sexually assaulted would feel around this form of therapy. Do you think it would help?

Whether you are into 3-speed bullets, rabbits, remote-controlled devices, or good old lefty and righty if are feeling good and reaching the almighty O we love that! Female self-pleasure is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of. We all do it! Let’s turn taboo topics into conversations. Let’s teach people it’s ok to love ourselves and touch ourselves and explore our bodies. At the end of the day, no one knows your body better than you.
"When I Think About You I Touch Myself"
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