Wanting to make some lifestyle changes but not sure where to start? Well, we have come up with a list of 10 ideas to get your started.
Drink more water
I can feel all the eyes rolling as you read this but hear me out! I experimented on myself with this one. I am a person who never drinks water. The only water that I get into my system is the water that I mix in with my tea and coffee. One week I decided to try this “drink more water” thing that everyone talks about and I have to say it was life changing! I made myself drink between 2.5 to 3litres every day and the results were crazy. I had more energy, my skin was clearer and in general, I just felt so much better. So when I say drink more water do it!
Don't Mindlessly Grocery Shop
This one is not only a life changer but also a money saver! I cannot tell you how many times I have gone into the supermarket without a list and bought so much food that I did not eat and ended up throwing away. Going shopping with a list will make it so much easier and quicker. The habit of having a list will also make you feel prepared which will then transfer into other areas of your life.
Set Up Your Week Ahead
Having your week set up will make you feel like you have your life complete. I am one of those people that like to schedule things like workouts, meals, and self-care as appointments. It gives them a set time and makes it easier for you to go through with them. Once they are scheduled you can also see where you have free time to have some fun.
Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe
This one took a long time to implement. I used to keep people in my life so I was never alone even if we had nothing in common. It wasn’t until my late twenties that I realized that it was not worth having people in my life that didn’t aline with my values and beliefs. Today I have amazing people in my life who get me but also lift me to be the best version of myself. Having people in your life that support you is important.

Have Gratitude
Giving thanks. It’s free, easy to do, and something that we don’t do often enough. As I have gotten older having gratitude has become more important than ever. I know the last year has been hard on a lot of people and sometimes it’s hard to be grateful but it’s important to dig deep and be grateful for what you have. If you are struggling start small, it can be as simple as being grateful for having a bed to sleep in, electricity, or access food. For some these things are hard to come by.
Organize Selfcare
Giving yourself some time is not a selfish act, it’s essential. taking time for yourself can make you feel re-energized and fresh. We are all so busy these days that we forget to take time out for ourselves. I schedule self care every week. If I don’t then I end up spending that time working. I always try to find an hour per week just for me. This time can be free for reading a favorite book, watching my favorite show, or sleeping in.
Move Your Body
Nothing feels better than getting your sweat on. Even if it is just a little sweat. I am not a fan of exercise but I do love to pop on my headphones and put some dance beats on and just dance around my house. In my head I am the best dancer in the world however I am sure that my neighbors looking in think I have gone crazy. When it comes. to moving your body find something that you enjoy. If you are struggling start with. a simple walk.
It Is Ok to Take a Rest
Taking a break is one of the best things you can do. Getting burnt out is easy to do so it is important to know when you need a break. This could be physical or mental. I feel like we have been drummed into us to be busy all the time and to push through the pain when in fact that it is so unhealthy. This is a massive lifestyle change that I have made in recent years and I remember feeling. so guilty at first. Over time I came to realize that I should not feel guilty for putting myself and my needs first.
Stop Comparing Yourself
This is a tough one. You need to remember that everyone different, different timelines, different passions, and different desires. Just because one person is crushing it in the corporate world and you are not doesn’t mean you won’t. It can be hard to see someone getting ahead but you also need to know that they probably struggled at one point and had the same doubtful thoughts as you have. Don’t compare yourself to others. Work on yourself and your passions and focus on what you are doing not everyone else.
Believe in Yourself
If you are going to make any lifestyle change make this one. Believe in yourself. Sounds super corny but it’s true. Self-doubt is so crippling that it stops us every day from doing things we love, like going after the careers we want, starting a podcast, going to a dance class. We need to stop doubting ourselves and believing. So when those negative thoughts about yourself pop in, tell them to bugger off. Replace those thoughts with I can do anything, I can achieve anything, I believe in me!

I hope that you find these lifestyle changes helpful and that they are the first steps to going after the life you want. It doesn’t cost anything to change your life, you just need to have the motivation to do it.