13 Journal Prompts to Start Your Day

Journal affirmations

Journal Prompts to get you writing that you won't be able to put your pen down!

Does the idea of journalling or writing down thoughts confuse you? Not sure where to start? GIRL, we have got you covered. For me when I started journaling I really struggled on what to actually write down. The truth is there is no wrong or right answer. Everyone is different but sometimes it helps to have a prompt to get you started. Below are 13 Journal Prompts to help you get started. They are designed to make you stop and really think about your answers. It’s those thoughts that you should write down. You will be amazed at what comes out.

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Need a Journal? Below are my faves!

1. I am grateful for...

Being grateful or even thinking about what we are grateful for is something we forget to sit down and acknowledge. This is a great way to start journaling. Your grateful list doesn’t need to be long. I keep mine simple “I am grateful – insert your who or what and why.

Example: Today I am grateful for my future husband. He encourages all my crazy ideas and believes that I can achieve anything.

2. What do I love about myself?

I guess you may have cringed a little when you read this journal prompt but stay with me. In today’s world we spend so much time comparing ourselves against others and wishing to be more skinny or more outgoing or more pretty but why don’t you start loving yourself! Changing your thought patterns doesn’t happen overnight and that you will probably compare yourself to people often but when you do stop and also think about something you love about YOU! You may start with simple answers like “I love my hair” and that is ok but if you can dig deeper, you may surprise yourself.

Example: Something I love that I like to make sure that when I have people over even if its just for coffee that they have something to eat and that its presented perfectly. I feel that this makes people know that I care about them.

3. I am loved, I am strong, I can do it.

Affirmations are a great journal prompt. For me, I use affirmations when I need a reminder to believe in myself. I like to get 4 affirmations and write them down everyday for a week. Sometimes it inspires me to write more and other times its those 4 affirmations that I write down for the day. 

Example: Today I am creating the life of my dreams, I am a magnet for wealth and abundance. I’m worthy of love. Happiness is my birthright. 

4. My perfect morning routine would be..

I love this journal prompt because a morning routine is something you can physical create and live. While you may not be able to live your perfect morning routine right now you never know what they future holds. You may be able to add some of these activities into your morning routine today. When writing out you perfect morning routine put all the details down from the time you wake up to everything you would love to do in the morning. 

Example: My perfect morning routine would begin at 6am. I would wake up naturally without an alarm and the first thing I would do is have a glass of water. Then I would then feed the dogs as they like to be fed first thing in the morning. While they are eating I will brush my teeth and get dressed to talk them for a walk.  

5. What limiting beliefs are holding me back.

Becoming aware of limiting beliefs is hard work. We have them so ingrained into us that sometimes we don’t even know that we are telling ourselves things that we really can over come. I am always working through my limiting beliefs. Some days they are louder than other days which is why its great to use this a journal prompt. 

Example: I am always sick and will never be healthy. This is simply not true. YesI have a chronic medical condition but that does NOT mean I will always be sick.

6. If today was your last day on earth what would you do?

I always think about this question or if I only had a week to live what would I do. This question for me has really made me make some changes in my life and it could do the same for you. I’m not going to share my example for this one. I want you to think about it.

7. I am proud that this week I.....

I think it is important to reflect on moments that make us proud. These can be big or small. To me, if it makes you proud of yourself then it’s big.

Example: I am proud of the amount of things I have learnt to bring this website to life. There were many times I wanted to pay someone to figure things out but I stuck to my guns and taught myself. I feel so accomplished and I also saved myself some money.

8. What did I dream about last night?

I love thinking about what I dreamt about the night before. Sometimes they make no sense and have odd moments but hey who knows what is going on in our subconscious so why not write it down.

Example: I do not remember what I dreamt about last night. As I am sitting here really trying to think but it has gone. Never mind. I feel like it was must not have been entertaining enough hence why I don’t remember. 

9. How are you feeling today?

Sometimes we need a daily check in. How simple is this journal prompt? If you do not know what to start writing just ask how are you doing? 

Example: Today I am feeling not 100% good. This morning have headache that id just annoying enough to impact my day. I think I know why I have the headache and I need to start improving my lifestyle. I’ve had a bad weekend bingeing on not so healthy food and now I am paying the price. 

10. If you could change 1 thing about yourself what would it be and why?

This may be a little controversial but I believe that no one is perfect and we will always find things that we want to change. The thing is we do have the power to change things about ourselves we do not like. Really think about your answer. Don’t just quickly write down I would change my hair because it annoys me. Dig deep and if you can make a plan to change.

Example: If I could change one thing I would like to change my weight as I have either been overweight or skinny from being unwell. I would love to be a healthy weight for my height. I want to fit so I can keep up with day to day life. I don’t want to be puffed walking up a flight of stairs. It would feel amazing to go clothes shopping and not dread the change room. For this to happen I will need to change my eating habits, I need to start exercising, and I need to change my mental health and believe that I can achieve a healthy lifestyle. 

11. Plan out your perfect day.

Sometimes it is just fun to dream. Take a deep breath and plan out your perfect day. Pretend that money is no object, the weather is perfect and there is nothing holding you back and plan out that day! 

Example: Your perfect day could be as simple as spending the day at home watching movies that you have on your bucket list but you have never have time to enjoy them.

12. What do you need to get off your chest?

Has something happened over the last day, week, or month and it’s just annoying you? Write it down. Put it out of your mind and onto paper. Write out your feelings about whatever may have happened. Is this something you can fix or do you need to create a plan to let it go?

Example: I was recently told that I had to see out a project that was meant to finish months ago.The dates of this project have been pushed to many times to count and I was getting frustrated that no progress was being made. It took me a weeks to really work through this but I had to have a talk to myself and look at the benefits of having more time and what I could learn from the experience. When I find myself going back to negative thoughts about the situation, i remind myself about the positives.

13. Just put pen to paper

Yep this is an odd one but honestly its a good way to just start. Start with writing down whats around you and let the inspiration come from there.