Every day our lives get busier and more chaotic. With work, looking after the kids, trying to create side hustles it’s a wonder how we can fit everything into our days. For most of us exercise is the first thing we cross off our to-do lists because we just don’t have time. As someone who gets super busy, I have put together the below tips on how to fit exercise into your busy schedule. Trust us, you will be by the end of going through our tips you will find it is easy on how to fit exercise into your busy schedule.
Start Off Simple
Exercise doesn’t have to be out of your way or something that costs a lot of money. Our first tip on how to fit exercise into your busy schedule is to start simple. What I mean by that is just go for a walk. When I was starting my fitness journey it was one of the best tips I got and it also applies to people trying to fit exercise into their day-to-day routines. Invite the kids or the husband along for a walk and turn into family time as well. Two birds one stone!
Do I First Thing
Get it out of the way! If you are anything like me, by the end of the day you start to make excuses as to why you can’t exercise. I’m too tired, it’s too late in the day. My advice on how to fit exercise into your busy schedule is to do it first thing in the morning. Wake up an hour earlier or even 30 minutes to start with. Soon enough it will become a habit. Once it is done then you don’t have to think about it for the rest of the day. Besides exercising in the morning makes you day run smoother, well it does for me.
Use Your Lunch Break
If mornings REALLY don’t work for you then use your lunch breaks. Tip number 3 on how to fit exercise into your busy schedule is to work it into your lunch breaks. Maybe you work in the city and there is a spin class at the gym or you could attend a cross-fit session or you could simply go for a run (or walk if you are like me). Your lunch break is the perfect amount of time to get a workout in. It is also good for your mental and physical health to get out of your workplace for a break.

Schedule It Like A Meeting
If you struggle with sticking to exercise due to being busy then schedule it like a business meeting. Put it in your calendar and that way it is written down. It is planned and everyone can see that you are not available during that time period, whether it’s for 30mins or an hour. I always schedule my workouts and I mark them as private. This is something I still do to this day and this too can be how you fit exercise into your busy schedule.
Take The Stairs
Does your workplace have stairs? Do you need to walk up and down the stairs when you catch the train home? You would be surprised how effective taking the stairs can be. They are also a really good starting point for how to fit exercise into your busy schedule.
Figure Out What You Like
Do remember what activity you enjoyed as a kid? Me, I loved dance classes. Still do to this day. Go back to your childhood and take up something you used to do whether it’s dance classes like me, or join your local soccer team. Get on google and find a physical activity you like in your area. You might even be able to get your kids or partner involved and turn it into family night or date night. My husband to be and I have decided to take up tennis. We are starting small by going to the local court and having a hit together. You could give that a try too!