Setting goals and setting myself for the next year is something I get onto just before Christmas. A lot of people wait till after Christmas and closer to the new year but I feel like if you start earlier then you set yourself up for success. Starting early will give you time to think about what you want to achieve and how you are going to achieve it. I do know that sometimes it can be hard to figure out what you want. For me, I have heaps of things I want to achieve for 2022. Realistically, I need to reduce my list because it’s too much. Below are some tips for setting goals and sticking to them as well as some of my goals for 2022!
What Do Your Want Your Goals To Be?
Some people have clear visions and others take a bit more time to think about it. Creating goals can be fun and my motto is dream big. Make your goals fun and exciting. You want to be excited about your goals because when you start doing the work to make them happen it can sometimes be challenging. If you are struggling about what goals to set think about where you want to be in a year, 3, 5 years. This is what I do. I create a Big Picture goal or goals.
Breaking Down Your Goals
I’m a forward thinker so I always plan for what or where I’d like to be in 5 years. Having Big Picture goals helps me break down what I need to achieve for the year to complete the big picture goal and then I like to break up my goals into sections. This helps get a clear picture of what you are working towards. My sections are:
* Business/Career
* Family/Relationships
* Health/Fitness
* Spendings/Savings (or simply put money)
Now you might have other sections like education, spiritual, parenting, make your sections work for you, and what your goals are.
Let’s break things down even further. Once I know my big picture goals, I break down what I need to do each year for my goals. From there I can then plan out what each month. Your big picture goal might not take 5 years it could take more or less. When you are thinking about how you are going to achieve that big picture make sure you give yourself realistic time to make it happen. Also give yourself a deadline otherwise you won’t have something to work towards.
HWW Principle
Now that you have your big goal and you have broken it down to smaller goals it’s time to get organized and plan. This principle I call the HWW – How, When, Why.
Think about the how. How are you going to achieve these goals? How are you going to measure your progress? It is important to think about how this will then lead you to your plan of attack. Knowing your how may take time to think about as there might be financial, legal, or location items you need to think about.
Once you have your hows planned out you need to think about when, when are you going to work towards your goals. Do you need to work a few hours at night, weekends? Planning out when you are going to work towards your goals is so important.
Last but not least, why. Remember why you have these goals. At times things will get hard and you need to remind yourself why you are working towards your goals. Personally, there have been times I wanted to give up or doubted myself. Then I remembered my why and honestly it was a motivational tool that keeps me going.

My Plan for 2022
For 2022 I have a mixed bag of items that are working towards my big goal and then some little goals I’m giving myself a year to achieve. Below is a small snapshot of my goals and plan of attack.
What I do:
1. Look at my big goals and think about what could I do this year to get closer to that dream.
Section: Business/Career
Big Goal – make The Hayley Daily my number source of income.
Goals for 2022 – launch THD podcast in June/July, increase written content to 3 articles per week, increase THD youtube uploads, become amazon affiliate.
2. How am I going to achieve the above?
Podcast research from equipment, software, getting guests. SEO research for popular articles, finding amazing stories from women. Monthly reviews to see what is working, what’s not.
3. When am I going to do this?
Scheduling time after work and weekends. Making a calendar to include social and family events.
4. Why am I doing this? My biggest why is I want a platform where women can come and share their stories. Read articles that inspire them. Listen to other women so they know they are not alone. The Hayley Daily is for, about, and by women.
We hope these tips for getting you ready for 2022 help. We love planning and organizing here so goal-setting gets us super excited. Hopefully, this article help motivate you to get ready for 2022 as well.
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